Course Committee: #32056
Course Code: HUMx32
Course Name: Project Management
Term: Fall 2023
UG2003, Third year, Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering
Course Committee: #31507
Course Code: HUM313
Course Name: Engineering Law
Term: Fall 2023
Course Committee: #32049
Course Code: HUMx41
Course Name: Legislations & Contracts
Term: Fall 2023
UG2003, Fourth year, Civil Engineering, Public Works
Course Committee: #32091
Course Code: HUMx41
Course Name: Legislations & Contracts
Term: Fall 2023
UG2003, Fourth year, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Power
Course Committee: #32082
Course Code: HUMx32
Course Name: Project Management
Term: Fall 2023
UG2003, Third year, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Power
Course Committee: #31128
Course Code: HUMx21
Course Name: Management & Marketing
Term: Fall 2023
UG2003, Third year, Electrical Engineering, Electrical Power and Machines
UG2003, Third year, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics
Course Committee: #31130
Course Code: HUMx42
Course Name: Environmental Impact of Projects
Term: Fall 2023
UG2003, Third year, Electrical Engineering, Electrical Power and Machines
UG2003, Fourth year, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics
Course Committee: #31129
Course Code: HUMx41
Course Name: Legislations & Contracts
Term: Fall 2023
UG2003, Fourth year, Electrical Engineering, Electrical Power and Machines
Course Committee: #31505
Course Code: HUM212
Course Name: Introduction to Marketing
Term: Fall 2023
Course Committee: #31522
Course Code: HUMx42
Course Name: Principles of Law & Human Rights
Term: Fall 2023